Valerio Pascucci Valerio Pascucci

Director, Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization,
Professor, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, School of Computing, University of Utah
DOE Laboratory Fellow at the Pacific Nothwest National Laboratory, Computational Sciences & Mathematics Division

Fax: (801) 585-6513
Email:     Web:
Research interests include: data analysis, topological methods for image segmentation, progressive and multi-resolution techniques for scientific visualization, combinatorial topology, geometric compression, computer graphics, computational geometry, geometric programming, and solid modeling.
Erdös number: 3 (via Janos Pach and Herbert Edelsbrunner)

Short Bio (full-curriculum-here)
Valerio Pascucci is the founding Director of the Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV) of the University of Utah. Valerio is also a Faculty of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, a Professor of the School of Computing, University of Utah, and a DOE Laboratory Fellow, of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Previously, Valerio was a Group Leader and Project Leader in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of California Davis. Prior to his CASC tenure, he was a senior research associate at the University of Texas at Austin, Center for Computational Visualization, CS and TICAM Departments. Valerio earned a Ph.D. in computer science at Purdue University in May 2000, and a EE Laurea (Master), at the University "La Sapienza" in Roma, Italy, in December 1993, as a member of the Geometric Computing Group. Valerio came to the U.S. in 1995 after having grown up in Roma, Italy.


(see also on Google Scholar a longer list of my papers and citations of my papers.)

Interactive editing of massive imagery made simple: Turning Atlanta into Atlantis.
B. Summa, G. Scorzelli, M. Jiang, P.-T. Bremer, and V. Pascucci,
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) TOG, Volume 30 Issue 2, 2011, pp. 7:1-7:13.
To be presented at SIGGRAPH 2011.
PDF paper Paper.

Edge Maps: Representing Flow with Bounded Error.
H. Bhatia, S. Jadhav, P.-T. Bremer, G. Chen, J.A. Levine, L.G. Nonato, V. Pascucci,
Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization 2011, pp. 75-82,winner of the best paper award.
PDF paper Paper.

Parallel Gradient Domain Processing of Massive Images.
S. Philip, B. Summa, P.-T. Bremer, and V. Pascucci,
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2011, pp. 11-19.
PDF paper Paper.

Visual Exploration of High Dimensional Scalar Functions .
S. Gerber, P.-T. Bremer, v. Pascucci, and R. Whitaker,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16(6), pp. 1271-1280, 2010.
PDF paper Paper.

Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Large Scale Simulations Using Topology-based Data Segmentation.
P.-T. Bremer, G. Weber, J. Tierny, V. Pascucci, M. Day, and J. Bell,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 99, 2010.
PDF paper Paper.

Analyzing and Tracking Burning Structures in Lean Premixed Hydrogen Flames.
P.-T. Bremer, G. Weber, V. Pascucci, M. Day, and J. Bell,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16(2), 2010.
PDF paper Paper.

Streaming-Enabled Parallel Dataflow Architecture for Multicore Systems.
H. T. Vo, D. K. Osmari, B. Summa, J. L. D. Comba, V. Pascucci, and C. T. Silva,
Comput. Graph. Forum, 29(3), pp. 1073-1082, 2010,
Proceedings of IEEE/VGTC EuroVis 2010.
PDF paper Paper.

Topologically Clean Distance Fields.
A. Gyulassy, V. Natarajan, Mark Duchaineau , Valerio Pascucci, Eduardo M. Bringa, Andrew Higginbotham, and Bernd Hamann,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(6), pp. 1432-1439,
Proceedings of VIS 2007.
PDF paper Paper.

Efficient Computation of Morse-Smale Complexes for Three-dimensional Scalar Functions.
A. Gyulassy, V. Natarajan, Valerio Pascucci, and Bernd Hamann,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(6), pp. 1440-1447,
Proceedings of VIS 2007.
PDF paper Paper.

Genus Oblivious Cross Parameterization: Robust Topological Management of Intersurface Maps.
Janine Bennett, Valerio Pascucci, and Ken Joy,
Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2007 pp. 238-247, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
PDF paper Paper.

Topological Landscapes: A Terrain Metaphor for Scientific Data.
Gunther Weber , P.-T. Bremer, and Valerio Pascucci,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics to appear,
Proceedings of VIS 2007.
PDF paper Paper.

Robust On-line Computation of Reeb Graphs: Simplicity and Speed.
V. Pascucci, G. Scorzelli, P.-T. Bremer, and A. Mascarenhas,
ACM Transactions on graphics, pp. 58.1-58.9, 2007,
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2007.
PDF paper Paper. Abstract Abstract.
Video1 Find undesired tunnels in a 3D model using the Reeb graph (106MB video).
Video2 Reeb graph of a running horse (7.7MB video).

Understanding the Structure of the Turbulent Mixing Layer in Hydrodynamic Instabilities.
D. Laney, P.-T. Bremer, A. Mascarenhas, P. Miller, and V. Pascucci,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 1053-1060, 2006.
Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2006, winner of the best application paper award.
PDF paper Paper.
Video1 Tracking Bubbles in a Rayleigh-Taylor Instability (48MB video).

PDF paper Invited talk at the Workshop on Ultra-Scale Visualization, Supercomputing 2006.

Progressive Volume Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.
S. Callahan, L. Bavoil, V. Pascucci, and C. Silva,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 1307-1314, 2006.
Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2006.

Spectral surface quadrangulation.
S. Dong, P.-T. Bremer, M. Garland, V. Pascucci, and J. Hart,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 25 , Issue 3, pp.1057-1066qs (July 2006).
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2006

Persistence-Sensitive Simplification of Functions on 2-Manifolds.
H. Edelsbrunner, D. Morozov, and V. Pascucci,
In Proceeding of the 22-th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2006.

Streaming Simplification of Tetrahedral Meshes.
H. Vo, S. Callahan, P. Lindstrom, V. Pascucci, and C. Silva,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear.

Topology-based Simplification for Feature Extraction from 3D Scalar Fields
A. Gyulassy, V. Natarajan, V. Pascucci, P.-T. Bremer, and Bernd Hamann,
IEEE Visualization 2005, pages 275-280, 2005.

Cache-Oblivious Mesh Layouts
S.-E. Yoon, P. Lindstrom, V. Pascucci, and D. Manocha,
SIGGRAPH 2005, (ACM Transactions on Graphics), vol 24, n. 3,pages 886--893, 2005.
(pdf-paper) (web-page) (source code)

Multi-Resolution computation and presentation of Contour Trees
V. Pascucci, K. Cole-McLaughlin, and G. Scorzelli,
LLNL Technical Report number UCRL-PROC-208680.
Preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of the IASTED conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2004), 2004, pp.452-290.
(pdf-paper) (Linux and windows demo)

Local and Global Comparison of Continuous Functions
H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, V. Natarajan, and V. Pascucci,
IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2004, pages 275-280.

Implicit Occluders
S. Pesco, P. Lindstrom, V. Pascucci, and C. Silva,
IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization, 2004, pages 47-54.

Encoding Volumetric Grids For Streaming Isosurface Extraction
A. Mascarenhas, M. Isenburg, V. Pascucci, and J. Snoeyink,
In Proceeding of the 2-nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), 2004, to appear.

Progressive Dimension-Independent Boolean Operations
A. Paoluzzi, V. Pascucci, and G. Scorzelli,
In Proceeding of the 9-th ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications (SM04), 2004, pages 203-211.
(pdf-paper) (mechanical-piece-avi-animation) (temple-avi-animation)

Time-varying Reeb Graphs for Continuous Space-Time Data
H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, A. Mascarenhas, and V. Pascucci,
In Proceeding of the 20-th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2004, pages 366-372.

Topology Diagram of Scalar Fields in Scientific Visualization
V. Pascucci,
Chapter 8 in Topological Data Structures for Surfaces, March, 2004.

Contour Trees and Small Seed Sets for Isosurface Generation
M. van Kreveld, R. van Oostrum, C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci and D. Schikore
Chapter 5 in Topological Data Structures for Surfaces, March, 2004.

Isosurface Computation Made Simple: Hardware Acceleration, Adaptive Refinement and Tetrahedral Stripping
V. Pascucci,
Joint Eurographics - IEEE TVCG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym), 2004, pages 293-300.

A Multi-resolution Data Structure for Two-dimensional Morse Functions
P.-T. Bremer, H. Edelsbrunner, Bernd Hamann, and V. Pascucci,
IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2003, pages 139-146.
(pdf-paper) (avi-animation, may require Vidomi Player)

A Multi-Layered Image Cache for Scientific Visualization
E. LaMar, and V. Pascucci,
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-DataVisualization and Graphics (PVG), 2003, pages 61-68.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Geometric Programming for Computer Aided Design
A. Paoluzzi, with contributions from V. Pascucci, M.Vicentino, C. Baldazzi, and S. Portuesi
John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
(pdf-table-of-contetnts) (buy-the-book) (visit-the-PLASM-site) (vrml-S._Stefano_Rotondo)

Parallel Computation of the Topology of Level Sets
V. Pascucci, K. Cole-McLaughlin,
Algorithmica, vol. 38, n. 2, October 2003, pages 249-268.

Loops in Reeb Graphs of 2-Manifolds
K. Cole-McLaughlin, H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, V. Natarajan, and V. Pascucci.
In Proceeding of the 19-th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2003, pages 344-350.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Morse Complexes for Piecewise Linear 3-Manifolds
H. Edelsbrunner, J. Harer, V. Natarajan, and V. Pascucci,.
In Proceeding of the 19-th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2003, pages 361-370.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Using Graphs for Fast Error Term Approximation of Time-varying Datasets
C. Nuber, E. C. LaMar, V. Pascucci, Bernd Hamann, K. I. Joy,
In Proceedings of Eurographics VisSym 2003, to appear.

Real-Time Monitoring of Large Scientific Simulations
V. Pascucci, D. Laney, R. J. Frank, G. Scorzelli, L. Linsen, Bernd Hamann, and F. Gygi,
In Proceedings of the 18-th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March, 2003, Melbourne, FL, pages 194-198.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Connoly surface of Gramicidine molecule Dynamic maintenance and visualization of molecular surfaces,
C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, A. Shamir, R. J. Holt, and A. N. Netravali,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 127, Issue 1, April 2003, pages 23-51.
(pdf-paper) (mpeg-animation)

Hierarchical Indexing for Out-of-Core Access to Multi-Resolution Data
V. Pascucci and , R. J. Frank,
Chapter in Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization, 2002, pages 225-241.

Interactive View-dependent Rendering of Large Isosurfaces
B. Gregorski, Mark Duchaineau, P. Lindstrom, V. Pascucci, and , K. I. Joy,
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2002, pages 475-482.

Slow Growing Subdivision (SGS) in Any Dimension: Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality,
V. Pascucci,
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 21, n. 3, September 2002, pages 451-460, (Proceeding of Eurographics 2002).
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation

Terrain Simplification Simplified: A General Framework for View-Dependent Out-of-Core Visualization,
P. Lindstrom and V. Pascucci,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 8, n.3, July-September 2002, pages 239-254.
(pdf-paper) (mpeg-animation)

Finding line segments with Tabu Search.
C. Guerra and V. Pascucci,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E84-D,n.12, December 2001, pages 1739-1744.

Global Static Indexing for Real-time Exploration of Very Large Regular Grids.
V. Pascucci and R. J. Frank,
In proceedings of Super Computing 2001, on-line proceeding, November, 2001.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Temporal and Spatial Level of Details for Dynamic Meshes.
A. Shamir, and V. Pascucci,
In proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pages 77-84, November, 2001.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Visualization of Large Terrains Made Easy.
P. Lindstrom, and V. Pascucci,
In proceedings of IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2001, pages 363-370,574.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation) (source-code, data, addendum, maintained by Peter)

Time critical isosurface refinement and smoothing,
V. Pascucci and C. Bajaj,
In Proceeding of the ACM Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics (VolVis), 2000, pages 22-42.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Multi-Resolution Dynamic Meshes with Arbitrary Deformations.
A. Shamir, V. Pascucci, and C. Bajaj,
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2000, pages 423-430.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Progressive Compression and Transmission of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes.
C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, and G. Zhuang,
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visualization, 1999, pages 307-316.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation) (mpeg-horse-reconstruction,mpeg-cow-reconstruction)

Parallel accelerated isocontouring for out-of-core visualization.
C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, D. Thompson, and X. Y. Zhang,
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE symposium on Parallel visualization and graphics (PVG), 1999, pages 97-104.

Hypervolume visualization: A challenge in simplicity.
C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, G. Rabbiolo, and D. R. Schikore,
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization (VolVis), 1998, pages 95-102.
(pdf-paper and color-plate)

The Contour Spectrum,
C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, and D. R. Schikore
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Visualization, 1997, pages 167-175.
(pdf-paper) (pdf-presentation)

Contour trees and small seed sets for isosurface traversal.
M. van Kreveld, R. van Oostrum, C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, and D. R. Schikore,
In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG),1997, pages 212-220. ACM Press.

Fast Isocontouring for Improved Interactivity.
C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, and D. R. Schikore,
In Proceedings of the IEEE, ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium Volume Visualization 1996, pages 39-46. ACM Press.

NURBS based B-rep models for macromolecules and their properties.
C. Bajaj, H. Y. Lee, R. Merkert, and V. Pascucci
In Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, pages 217-228, New York, May 14-16 1997. ACM Press.

Splitting a complex of convex polytopes in any dimension,
C. Bajaj, and V. Pascucci
In Proceedings of the 12-th ACM Symposium On Computational Geometry (SoCG), 1996, pages 88-97.

Prototype shape modeling with a design language,
A. Paoluzzi, V. Pascucci, and C. Sansoni
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design Futures, (CAAD Futures '95), 1995, pages 127-141.


Valerio is the LLNL Project Leadear and/or PI for the projects listed below.
Thanks to the sponsors: NSF,  Office of Science, NGA, DOE mandated LDRD, LLNL TechBase Program.

Topological Analysis of Noisy Data

Topology-based Methods for Analysis and Visualization of Noisy Data
Topological cleanup of nisy data The size of scientific data sets that are generated by evolving supercomputers, large sensor networks, and high-resolution imaging devices is increasing rapidly, at an exponential rate. This project addresses the need for more effective data analysis methods. It develops technologies concerned with the analysis and representation of very large scientific data sets, emphasizing concepts that capture qualitative characteristics. In light of the limitations of purely visualization-based approaches applied to "raw" scientific data sets directly, this project aims at devising new concepts for visualizing very large and complex data sets. The methods being developed first extract meaningful qualitative information from a given data set, which is then used to present the higher-level information content of the data set in a significantly more compact form, thus stressing relevant qualitative behavior. The project builds on concepts from classical topology and geometry, which have contributed substantially to the development of the relatively new fields of computational topology and computational geometry. These two fields hold great potential for substantially advancing the visualization technology for understanding extremely large, complicated data sets. This projects adapts (and generalizes) computational topology and computational geometry algorithms that are well-established for smooth mathematical functions to real-world, finite-sample data sets, i.e., functions sampled at a finite number of points (that could possibly be connected by a mesh). Real-world data sets are noisy, which further complicates the application of topological methods that were developed originally for smooth functions. This project investigates the generalization of techniques based on Morse and Morse-Smale theory (studying critical-point behavior and drawing qualitative conclusions about functions) to discretized scalar fields that change over time and also contain noise.


VACET: Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies

This project focuses on leveraging scientific visualization and analytics software technology as an enabling technology for increasing scientific productivity and insight. Advances in computational technology have resulted in an "information big bang," which in turn has created a significant data understanding challenge. This challenge is widely acknowledged to be one of the primary bottlenecks in contemporary science. The vision for our Center is to respond directly to that challenge by adapting, extending, creating when necessary and deploying visualization and data understanding technologies for our science stakeholders. Using an organizational model as a Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET), we are well positioned to be responsive to the needs of a diverse set of scientific stakeholders in a coordinated fashion using a range of visualization, mathematics, statistics, computer and computational science and data management technologies.

Embedded Streaming

Performace and Scalability Study for Streaming Algorithms
ViSUS_on_IPOD. Development of software tools that run on embedded systems involves a number of challenges ranging from porting to specialized processors, running with extremely limited memory, reduced OS support, and dealing with particularly slow and imbalanced hardware performance. We propose a practical study of these challenges with focus on the Progressive Image Analysis and develop and adaptation to devices using an ARM core processor (used in digital cameras, GPS, hand held computers, smartcards, wristwatches, USB hard drives, i-pod, and more) using linux and windows CE operating systems. Our concrete goal is to program an ARM system with 32/64 MB of memory to display in real time gigabytes to terabytes of high resolution satellite imagery and KML vector information. With this focused effort we will (i) produce a prototype tool of practical interest for the geospatial intelligence community and (ii) develop important expertise in formal and practical methods that allow successful development and deployment of software tools for embedded systems that can be used effectively on the field for defense and intelligence operations.


NAPA: Novel Architectures and Progressive Algorithms
Topology of water molecules at high pressure. In this project we conduct basic research in progressive algorithms for the real-time analysis of streaming data. The focus is on enabling feature and anomaly detection in massive amounts of image data. The project explores the use of hierarchical data representations and storage layout designs to achieve high performance capabilities. The utility of novel architectures, such as GPU-based clusters and/or cellbased machines, is also explored. We also investigate the support of real-time continuous and ad hoc queries over streaming image data, including the design of dynamic algorithms for query optimization enabling efficient usage of computing and storage resources. The results of this research will be useful to next-generation feature detection software tools for analysis of high resolution satellite imagery of interest to NGA and others.

Morse Theory for Data Understanding

Efficient and Reliable Data Exploration Via Multi-Scale Morse Analysis and Combinatorial Information Visualization
Topology of water molecules at high pressure. In this project we develop a new visualization framework based on the coupling of general-purpose data analysis tools with Information Visualization techniques to allow rapid computation and effective presentation of meta-data road-maps guiding scientists in the exploration through terabytes of raw data. We use Morse theory as the mathematical foundation for the analysis, extracting multi-scale models highlighting fundamental characteristics ubiquitous in scientific data, based on topology. Morse theory can be used in a wide range of applications such as the comparison of simulation results, validation of simulations with experimental data, image segmentation, or reconstruction of structures emerging in simulations from molecular dynamics, material sciences and combustion chemistry. The core of our technology is based on the development of combinatorial algorithms that robustly handle real, sampled data while maintaining the formal guarantees of the underlying mathematics of smooth functions.


ViSUS: Visualization Streams for Ultimate Scalability
In this LDRD project we develop a suite of progressive visualization algorithms and a data-streaming infrastructure that enable interactive exploration of scientific datasets of unprecedented size. The methodology aims to globally optimize the data flow in a pipeline of processing modules. Each module reads a multi-resolution representation of the input while producing a multi-resolution representation of the output. The use of multi-resolution representations provides the necessary flexibility to trade speed for accuracy in the visualization process. Maximum coherency and minimum delay in the data-flow is achieved by extensive use of progressive algorithms that continuously map local geometric updates of the input stream into immediate updates of the output stream. We implement a prototype software infrastructure that demonstrates the flexibility and scalability of this approach by allowing large data visualization on single desktop computers, on PC clusters, and on heterogeneous computing resources distributed over a wide area network. When processing terabytes of scientific data, we have achieved an effective increase in visualization performance of several orders of magnitude in two major settings: (i) interactive visualization on desktop workstations of large datasets that cannot be stored locally; (ii) real-time monitoring of a large scientific simulation with negligible impact on the computing resources available. The ViSUS streaming infrastructure enabled the real-time execution and visualization of the two LLNL simulation codes (Miranda and Raptor) run at Supercomputing 2004 on Blue Gene/L at its presentation as the fastest supercomputer in the world. In addition to SC04, we have run live demonstrations at the IEEE VIS conference and at invited talks at the DOE MICS office, DOE computer graphics forum, UC Riverside, and the University of Maryland. In all cases we have shown the capability to stream and visualize interactively data stored remotely at the San Diego Supercomputing Center or monitor in real-time simulation codes executed on a cluster of PC’s at LLNL. VISUS LOGO
SC04 live demo

Educational Activities

Summer 2007, enjoy the natuaral park of Haute Vallée de Chevreuse in France and learn about:
Advanced Methods in Scientific Visualization

Summer 2006, enjoy the beautiful island of Lipari in south Italy and learn about:
Proteomes and Proteins

New course offered at UC Davis:
Morse Theory for Data Analysis and Visualization.

Multi-resolution modeling, visualization, compression and streaming of volumetric data
Organized by: V. Pascucci
Instructors: P. Cignoni, L. De Floriani, P. Lindstrom, V. Pascucci, J. Rossignac, and C. Silva,
Tutorial for Eurographics, 2003.

Multi-resolution modeling, visualization and compression of volumetric data
Organized by: V. Pascucci
Instructors: P. Cignoni, L. De Floriani, V. Pascucci, J. Rossignac, and C. Silva,
Tutorial for IEEE Conference on Visualization, 2003.


List of paper coauthors
  1. Chandrajit Bajaj (Ph.D. Advisor)
  2. Louis Bavoil
  3. Janine Bennett
  4. Peer-Timo Bremer
  5. Steven Callahan
  6. Kree Cole-McLaughlin
  7. Shen Dong
  8. Mark Duchaineau
  9. Herbert Edelsbrunner
  10. Michael Garland
  11. Attila Gyulassy
  12. Bernd Hamann
  13. John Harer
  14. John Hart
  15. Martin Isenburg
  16. Ken Joy
  17. Daniel Laney
  18. Peter Lindstrom
  19. Dinesh Manocha
  20. Ajith Mascarenhas
  21. Dmitriy Morozov
  22. Vijay Natarajan
  23. Alberto Paoluzzi (Master Advisor)
  24. Guglielmo Rabbiolo
  25. Giorgio Scorzelli
  26. Arik Shamir
  27. Claudio Silva
  28. Jack Snoeyink
  29. Huy Vo
  30. Sung-Eui Yoon
  31. Gunther Weber

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